parisian thoughts

when i put together this outfit i was thinking of my trip to Paris next year. I am quite excited about it being that its my dream city…next to New York. when i was a teenager living in North Carolina all i could think about was living in New York City. now that i’ve been here 6 years all I…
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Shop My Favorites

a day in williamsburg

my friend Sheena and I decided to meet up this past sunday and make a day of it in williamsburg brooklyn. i do love the whole hometown feel of williamsburg even with all the Ray Ban wearing hipsters. its so beautiful around the water and everywhere you turn there are quaint thrift shops and mom and pop restuarants. i can’t…
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another thrift day in Brooklyn

it was a bright and sunny 75 degree Sunday. It was the perfect day for a thrifting adventure in Williamsburg Brooklyn. As soon as I hopped off the L train at Bedford I ran directly into a few sidewalk sellers and got the most amazing vintage paisely dress for $15. Damn..I love Brooklyn. I spent 5 hours hitting vintage shops…
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Style Bloggers of Color Conference

Right now I’m sitting in bed at Hotel Indigo in Atlanta. It feels amazing to be here. The last time I was here I was researching graduate schools and had visited Emory. Atlanta has a certain southern charm that I love being a southern girl at heart. I’m here for the Style Bloggers of Color Conference. I was invited by…
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with Love from Barcelona

after checking out the beach and the some of the sights such as Sagrada Familia and Parc Guell I did more shopping and went to the Picasso Museum which was amazing. Let me tell you…the Zara in Spain is SICK. I was lucky enough to be at a hotel on the same street, the lovely Silken Gran Havana Hotel. It is one of the…
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Back from Barcelona

Hi everyone. I’m back from Barcelona. I touched down at JFK last night. My sleeping patterns are at the moment all effed up. It is currently 5:30 am in New York and I have been awake since 3am. I did manage to fall back asleep for an hour but then I got an email alert that a pair of shoes…
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