Comments on: The Tale of Two Cities — New York vs Miami FASHION STEELE NYC Sun, 21 Apr 2024 19:06:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kaisha Dufresne Sun, 21 Apr 2024 19:06:40 +0000 I loved this! Funny, informative, and easy to follow, you truly have a talent. I enjoyed your YouTube videos but now your blog even more, can’t wait to keep reading.

By: Delores Weaver Sun, 25 Feb 2024 03:42:51 +0000 Monroe this is a must read if you are moving to New York or Miami. Your writing is amazing!

By: Kenya Thu, 22 Feb 2024 07:49:23 +0000 Glad I finally read this post. Great read and you definitely hit on some real points, especially me being a native New Yorker. Being just a tourist I always wondered what it would be like to actually live in Miami. I love the bicoastal perspective. Seems like you made the right choice.

By: Tara Lee-Brown Tue, 20 Feb 2024 21:28:54 +0000 Great read and interesting perspective. I get to live vicariously through your vlogs/blogs in both cities.

By: Paula H. Tue, 20 Feb 2024 18:24:47 +0000 Monroe, this was a great read! I’m not sure how I missed this article as I’m subscribed to your newsletter but better late than never. I’m suffering in the Chicago winters so I can relate to the New York winters. However there is nothing like summertime Chi! I truly enjoy both Miami & New York for different reasons as well. I’m thinking about working a month of winter in a hot climate starting end of this year or beginning of next year. Keep shining & grinding!

By: Denise Smith-Graye Tue, 20 Feb 2024 13:50:26 +0000 Great read Monroe. My only suggestions to meeting new people is to join some kind of group activity ie biking, cooking, book club etc. When I was last in Miami I went to group outdoor yoga sessions which is another opportunity for the regulars to interact.

By: Arielle Mon, 19 Feb 2024 22:46:59 +0000 What a good read! I have experienced both cities over the years and I share a lot of your same sentiments. During the pandemic I broke up with my guy and decided to give Miami a go too see if I would make it home. I do love the Caribbean culture but it is so heavily Spanish. The one big deter was the rainy season. I now know that I want to be bicoastal at some point and spend majority of my winters in Miami or somewhere warm with a bit of culture. I can’t wait for that day. You are definitely inspiring and I love the insight you share. May you find fulfillment in love despite not being the obvious choice of desire. A real man that knows beauty will come your way. I hope you get the most you desire out of both cities unless you decide to choose.

By: Lillias Mon, 19 Feb 2024 21:41:02 +0000 This was such a great read Monroe and on the money. I have lived here most of my life by way of the Caribbean Island.
I have met a few great men, and have been in a few long term relationships, as I got older and knew exactly what I wanted, the chances of my finding my person became slim.

I have always said that in order to meet a man and have a meaningful relationship, I may need to move to the Midwest but like you I have grown accustom to the beaches and the laid back lifestyle which has made it extremely hard for me to leave.
That being said, I have not seen a single person in the midwest/ or where it is extremely cold while visiting no matter the looks/stature.

I am still holding and hoping that my man is out there somewhere. I am not giving up at all, because I am worth it!

By: Johnette Thu, 15 Feb 2024 22:12:44 +0000 Hi Monroe, my bestfriend and I are planning a trip to New York in December. This will be my first time in the big apple. Now i know you know all things New York, can you recommend some activities and restaurants that we may enjoy? Aswell as some good hotel options. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we may run into you.

By: Katie G Wed, 14 Feb 2024 04:50:53 +0000 Monroe, I’m so happy you are back writing. I can tell by the tone of your blog post, that this is one of your passions. I loved the way you broke down the two cities, and I can see exactly what you mean. Living in any of the “businesslike cities” can be exhausting mentally and financially. There is nothing like watching the sunrise at the beach while the world is still sleeping. Until next week!
